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4 example in the context of the DVP project

4.2.2 changes on sides of the Web menu

In order to evaluate a user surface of application programs due to their ergonomics, the ISO 9241-10 (1996) became "ergonomic requirements for office activities with television sets - part of 10: Principles of the design of dialogue. Brussels: CEN "in the life called. She judges the software ergonomics for user friendly design of dialogue by the following criteria independently of the interaction technique: 178

Users on the basis of these criteria surrender for the Web surface of the program the following suggestions, which increase on the one hand the ergonomics and reduce the integration expenditure of a new Plugins at the same time also here:

Suggestions for the menu on the increase of the Ergonomics179
  • Deposit of the thin spanner with configuration options of options and parameters by selection lists etc. (see module remote maintenance)
  • Default of combinations of keys for remote maintenance and keyboard
  • Default of defined Channel.confs for different areas
  • Learning environment for combinations of keys before start of the program by graphic surface and/or direct depressing the key
  • Button for the production customer CD, which starts the VDR configured already finished automatically, this can be generated also on the basis of different criteria, e.g. a VDR specialized in rendition of photographs, for optimal taking up with time SHIFT, timer functions etc., or a VDR Multimediacenter, which can play all formats
  • Mechanism of the use that CD under analog maps by means of similar to Plugin
  • Mechanism of the use that CD under budget maps by means of Xine-Plugin180
  • Mechanism of the use that CD without DVB map as Client of a Streaming-Servers181
  • Marking and Nichtstarten and/or removing from the Warenkorb from Plugins, which are not supported by the selected Patch
  • Announcement of possible Plugin combinations similarly an automobile accessory catalog
  • Auxiliary functions for manuals and/or operating instructions
  • Usability of the keyboard outside of the VDR at run-time
Table 31: Changes of the Web surface for the increase of the ergonomics

4.3 summary of the results

In the course of the investigation that it resulted demo CD that these in the laboratory environment do to Ilmenau is executable and by the verschlankten Kernel on other systems cannot be migrated. On the other hand it would be conceivable, instead of migrating to the aufwändigen modification that CD over the adjustment of the Kernels, extensive Deinstallationen and setting-up of the Xfce surface, the program and the Web surface on a Knoppix already existing derivative named Xfld with XFCE-Surface182 and to transfer the system on a DVD, so that space reasons must play no more role. Like that the spectrum of use that is not too strongly reduced CD. On the other hand the program lying to reason must be object-oriented adapted, in order to be able to use the advantages of object orientation.
Like that the demo CD are a suboptimales demonstration object for the concepts for the generation of computer families.
In chapter 4.2 so only theoretical suggestions on the improvement of the software quality and on the increase of the application ergonomics could be presented.
When further steps in subsequent work the applicability that must be possible CD primarily on mehren hardware environments and the program should object-oriented is adapted, in order to be able to use the concepts presented in this work. Then it is to be able to derive variants possible on the basis the characteristic model and a generator in form of a Skriptes, examined for consistency.


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